Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a DTF transfer?

DTF, or Direct To Film, is a printing technique where any design and color are directly printed onto a film, which is then transferred to various materials like cotton, polyester, and linen using a straightforward 15-second heat press.

What is the minimum I can order?

No Minimum Requirements! Whether you need 1 or 100,000, we've got you covered!

What kind of press do I need?

You can use an everyday household iron or an industrial-grade heat press, or anything in between. Visit our homepage for detailed pressing instructions.

What sizes are available?

We offer sizes ranging from 2" x 2" to 24" x 20 feet".

How do transfers hold up in the wash?

Our transfers have undergone rigorous testing on a wide range of garments.

How quickly can I get my order?

Expedited orders ship within 24 -48 hours.

Which file format should I use for my artwork?

For the best results, we recommend vector art, and if using raster art, ensure it's at least 300 dpi. Preferred file formats include .AI, .PDF, and .EPS, while we also accept .JPG and .PNG files.

What is your refund policy?

We take pride in our work, and if you encounter any problems with your transfers, please reach out to us. We are committed to resolving any issues to your satisfaction.